Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Enter the Pie Factor!!!

You know what's so great about this funny world of ours, it's filled with characters. Most are as forgettable as that 90's song that had the catchy tune and ludicrous chorus with nonsensical words, and a well articulated dance to accompany it, that caught on at the time. Then there are those who were above the norm, the one's that made you laugh hysterically, laid down the towel on their shoulder for you to shed your tears, and listened attentively to your problems as well as stimulate your mind. Crisis, if only we were all like that, but then how would we stand out from the next person. We all seek that particular person, whether it be a your closest mate or that Sigmund Freud look-a-like that provides that outside perspective to just release that burden that you've been arduously lugging around for a while. It's impossible to say that one person is liked by all. There's always at least that one person that is judging you, hating you for who you are and constantly criticizing your indifference. The problem is, the majority of people acknowledge that and here's where the real problem begins to interfere with one's life. What do I say to that? To quote Cliff Spab, S.F.W. If you haven't watched the movie, get off your donkey and track this gem of a cult movie down. I'll end it there.

But here I am, voicing my opinions and craving your input.

Enter the Pie Factor

'nuff said