Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Taking a Drive!!!

Ever take a drive? No, i'm not talking about the ones where you race all the way to work or school because your alarm clock went off and ur immediate reaction is to hit the snooze button, only to find yourself with a few measly seconds to shit, shower and shave. No i'm not talking about those long road trips with your friends where your friend Roger, in the backseat, all of a sudden whips out his cantene of poison and offers it to everyone, including the driver. And no i'm not talking about those drives where you get all dolled up and play the most psychedelic music to get you charged and ready for a night full of shenanigans and tragedies. I'm talking about those long drives where you have no agenda, no destinations, and no obligations. Just a drive with your thoughts and mellow music as a background.

"What do you suggest for the ambience?"

"Why some Damien Rice, Ryan Adams, or maybe even some Morcheeba would do for this occasion, sir."

It's one of my favourite things to do. In times when I just want to reflect and evaluate my next move. I grab my keys and just drive wherever the sun sets and the moon rises. I did that today. I slipped in some chilled music and just drove. It's a time for me to reflect, to come to decisions, to get all crazy with my ideas, to wonder about sliding doors, and to just meditate. With some people, mowing the lawn has therapeutic effects on one's stress levels or maybe some Jane Austin would prove suffice(FYI i'm not a fan) to calm the nerves, but for me, a drive is just the thing to do the trick.

So what did I think about today, you may be asking? well it all started off very random, like me ruling the world with my iron fist and my furrowed brow. I'd do a much better job than old George I'll have you know. From me ruling the world to current affairs such as the elections back in South Africa and how for the first time, South Africans can vote from abroad to have their say with who runs our beautiful country. I didn't take advantage of that for obvious reasons if you know my background. Needless to say to you fellow Saffas what's going on there.

Then all of a sudden a song on my cd player starts off with the most elegant of entrances. It catches my attention and my aimless thoughts are halted. You know what makes a song really attractive? It's one of two things. One, if the song is very descriptive with the story it is depicting. The painting of the picture is manifesting itself with the combination of words that is so easy to comprehend and so easy to see in the minds eyes. It takes you to the outer reaches of your imagination where the sky is purple, the grass is made of blades of silk and dolphins rule the world.

My second criteria of what makes a song attractive is the fact that the audience can relate. Countless times we listen to the words of the song and we are taken back to a moment in our livee where it seems all too familiar. A moment of love and hate.A moment of achievement or struggle. A moment of joy or sadness. Whichever the case the words seems to speak specifically to you and only you. To be more direct, the words are the soul to the song and the tune its vessel. For that one particular song you surrender yourself. I do it all the time.

So if you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or just simply want to relax.

Take a drive with some songs with some words that'll inspire you to push it a little harder and move forward in life......

........nuff said

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